Importing .VOB files into Adobe Premiere with audio

I had some video recordings in DVD format (MPEG2, .VOB-files) that I wanted to edit in Adobe Premiere CS3. Unfortunately, Adobe Premiere does not support .VOB files.
After renaming the .VOB files to .MPG, I could import them in Premiere, but the import only contained video, no audio. Some searching on the internet brought relief: apparently it’s as simple as copying a .DLL file from the Adobe Encore CS3 program files folder to the Adobe Premiere CS3 folder. The file you need is ad2ac3dec.dll.
I copied it, restarted Premiere, and indeed, the .MPG file imported nicely with audio.

Windows 7 + IIS 7.5 + php 5.3.1 + MySQL 5.1: no good combination

I recently installed Windows 7 on my laptop. I also configured IIS 7.5 on it, installed php 5.3.1 and MySQL 5.1.

Everything seemed to be installed correctly: I could see the IIS 7 Welcome screen, I could look at the php configuration with phpinfo() and I could see the MySQL tables using the MySQL Administrator GUI.

But when I tried to use phpMyAdmin, I got stuck: after trying to load the homepage of phpMyAdmin for 20-30 seconds, I got an HTTP Error 500. I searched the internet for hours, trying to find somebody with a similar experience, but I did not find any valuable resources.

Even a very simple test-script like

echo "#1. Try to connect to mysql server...";
mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error());
echo "Connected to MySQL<br />";

generated a HTTP 500-error, after a 20-30 seconds wait.

Eventually, I decided to look at what I had installed when I was still using Vista. The difference seemed to be php: on my previous system, php 5.2.10 was installed.

I finally uninstalled MySQL and php 5.3.1, and then reinstalled php 5.2.11 and MySQL 5.1.41. That combination seemed to work without issues.

Conclusion: IIS 7.5 + php 5.3.1 + MySQL 5.1 does not seem to be a workable solution (for now). Stick to the 5.2-branch of php if you want to use it on Windows 7/IIS 7.5.


I regularly use the SET data type in MySQL. The SET data type is ideal to store multiple values in a column. As an example, you can have a column in a table that stores possible ways to go to work. The column could be defined as SET(‘car’,’public_transport’,’bike’,’walk’). The nice thing about a SET column is that is can contain multiple values, so somebody that typically goes to work by car, but sometimes comes to work by bike, can have the value ‘car,walk’.

You can read more about the use of the SET data type on the MySQL website. The article contains some hints on how to add and remove values from a SET, but as Beat Vontobel points out in a post on his website, there are some issues with those approaches. He also describes a better solution, which leads to creating stored function for ADD_TO_SET and REMOVE_FROM_SET.

My internet provider does not allow stored functions, but you can mimic the behavior by simply using his proposed solution directly into the UPDATE statement.


UPDATE set_test SET myset = 
CONCAT_WS(',', IF(myset = '', NULL, myset), 'value')


UPDATE set_test SET myset =
TRIM(BOTH ',' FROM REPLACE(CONCAT(',', myset, ','),
CONCAT(',', 'value', ','), ','))